Sunday 8 September 2013

Life Update #1

I don't know if anyone had noticed but my post scheduling has been a little off this week, this is because a lot has changed in a small space of time. So here is a little insight into what has been going on recently:

1. I've moved house
So this week I've mainly spend packing and tying up loose ends before I went back to university for my final year. I've managed to get everything unpacked and we are all settled in nicely. We've come across a few problems with the place but hopefully the majority of them will be sorted by next week. It was hard saying goodbye to my family as I felt as though the summer went waaaaaaaaay too quickly for me to do everything that I wanted to do. I'm lucky though because I only live about an hour and a quarter drive from university so I'm not too far away from my family. I think I'd struggle if I lived any further away.

University Room

2. I've upgraded to Windows 8
It is frigging hard to use. I've been struggling to edit pictures, I usually use GIMP but when I tried to use it with Windows 8 for some reason I can't find it. I really need to find some tutorials for getting to grips with using it. I don't really understand why there are too interfaces, it's like it is trying to be Mac OS. I'm sure I will enjoy it once I know what I'm doing!

3. New blog layout
One of my best friends is a computer scientist so I've enlisted him to help me improve the layout of this blog as I was getting tired of things not looking right. I'm hoping to give it a more polished and professional look.

Instagram Blog Design

Normality will soon resume!

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Did you know that in the film Toy Story, Sid's hallway carpet is the same design as the hallway carpet in The Shining? That's well creepy.

Heeeeeeeeeeeeres Jonny!